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lawnmower installation

Installation von Roboter-Rasenmähern

A step-by-step guide on how to install a robotic lawn mower in your yard

Downloads für vollständige Kontrolle

Zugriff auf das Benutzerhandbuch und die App für den Mähroboter Neomow S, die eine vollständige Kontrolle und Bequemlichkeit ermöglichen.

Lernen Sie Neomow kennen

Häufige Fragen zum Neomow  Rasenmäherroboter, die den Benutzern helfen, Probleme zu beheben und das Gerät optimal zu nutzen.


Get Answers Before You Buy

What is the speed of Neomow S mowing the lawn?

Neomow S mows with the speed of o.45 m/s.

What sort of safety features are there to avoid causing injury to people and animals?

We care about families with pets and children. Neomow S has a built-in ultrasonic sensor that can detect obstacles in advance.

Are there any security features in case someone steals the device?

Noemow S features an anti-theft system if it exits the current boundary. You will immediately receive notifications and alerts about the security of Noemow S via the smart app.

How robust are the knives? Will it be damaged by some smaller branches and twigs laying around the lawn?

The cutting plates of Neomow S are very strong and will not be damaged by branches and twigs.

Can Neomow S leave one lawn, cross the driveway/path and then mow another section of lawn? I have three separate lawns divided by our driveway?

Multi-zone setting in the smart app that allows Neomow S to mow between different areas.

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