Warum Sie einen Rasenmähroboter brauchen?
Ihr Rasen. Ihre Zeit. Ihre Ruhe.
Leise & Umweltfreundlich
Lebenslange Ersparnis

Vergessen Sie Lärm und Abgase
Schluss mit lauten und umweltschädlichen Benzinmähern. Genießen Sie eine ruhige, umweltfreundliche Rasenpflege mit dem Rasenmähroboter.

Keine Probleme mehr mit komplexen Gärten
3D LiDAR & Vision Fusion sorgt für perfekte, störungsfreie Tönte, selbst an schwierigen Stellen.

Hören Sie auf, für Rasenpflegedienste zu bezahlen
Sparen Sie Hunderte Euro jährlich! Der Rasenmähroboter ist eine einmalige Investition.

Warum Hookii anders ist ?
Grenzen? Kein Problem.
Kein GPS, kein Licht – 3D LiDAR & Vision Fusion sorgt für präzise Navigation und einen perfekten Schnitt jedes Mal.

Hindernisse? Kein Problem.

Kann Hindernisse in dynamischen Umgebungen (Haustiere, Spielzeug, Rohre) übersehen.

Vision: Kann bei wechselndem Licht oder Wetter Schwierigkeiten haben.

3D LiDAR & Vision
Erfasst und umgeht nahtlos alles – Kinder, Haustiere, Spielzeug – und passt sich in Echtzeit an.
Intelligenter, effizienter mähen.
3D LiDAR & Vision planen Wege intelligent und sparen Zeit, Energie und Akku für eine perfekte Rasenpflege.
Echte Nutzererfahrungen
HOOKII | Neomow X-Serie
Love it! Great for summer! Good taste, it really owns up to its name “sparkling”, cold with bubbles and lime flavor. When I want that soda feel without drinking a soda, I grab for one of this.

Rated 4.0 / 5 | 200 reviews
HOOKII | Neomow X-Serie
“ The mower is working quiet well. ”
The mower is working quiet well. My lawn is not only Green gras also some hard gras because it's à dry région. So thé plastic support makes noice when it's passing over thé hard gras. And thé sissors dont stay fixe, i need to fix them all days. In february i'll look more for this and i'll sender you my feedback. Thé app, i think à possibilité to drive (fr9nt, left, right, back) thé mower could be welcome.

Rated 4.0 / 5 | 200 reviews
HOOKII | Neomow X-Serie
“ Good product for good money. ”
Nice algorithm for mowing. Not perfect but good enough (waiting for software improvement). 5 stars will be when app will show map like vaccum robots

Rated 4.0 / 5 | 200 reviews
HOOKII | Neomow X-Serie
“ Sorry for bad vote. ”
Sorry for bad vote. Until the robot was working, it made the job... but it made it for one week only! After that, motor error, than total black-out. I asked for a replacement, but you preferred a total rembourse.

Rated 4.0 / 5 | 200 reviews
HOOKII | Neomow X-Serie
“ Ist realy does what i expected. ”
Ist realy dies what i expected 1 Star less because the documentation has to be better The fact that the garage opening has to point to the left when looking at the lawn to be mawed should be written in the installation manual. In my opinion mentioning it in the video (there only once) is not enough.
Besides that I am very happy with the product and will recomend it to my friends.

Rated 4.0 / 5 | 200 reviews
HOOKII | Neomow X-Serie
It took 6 months over my expectations, but I am not supposed when buy from a startup project. I tried my mower just a bit before storing it for the winter.
I had difficulties to manually control the mower with my cell phone, it was going too fast, until I found out that by moving my thumb up or down on the arrows, it slows the speed. They don’t tell in the manual.

Rated 4.0 / 5 | 200 reviews
HOOKII | Neomow X-Serie
“ It does a good job but... ”
It does a good job, although it is slow and the app is not able tout tell thé job made, what is remaining as surface and time. Battery sometimes let the mower in the Middle of the field, with abnormal battery consumption written in app, without notifying.

Rated 4.0 / 5 | 200 reviews